About the artist

Stephen Stark

                                  Steven D Stark

Steven D Stark is the author of four books of non-fiction and two chapbooks of visual poetry. His fiction, plays, and poetry have been published in Frigg, The Doctor TJ Eckelburg Review, 3 am, Litn’Image, Mudlark, McSweeney’s, The Cafe Review, fleeting, and, among others, Clapboard House, where he won the short story prize. His artwork has been featured all over the northeastern United States and in national and international venues, as well as on the covers of literary journals. A former Associate Artist Member of the Galatea Fine Art Gallery in Boston’s South End, he is a graduate of Harvard College and Yale Law School.

The website for his non-fiction and legal writing, teaching, and consulting is at www.starkwriting.com.

For his Amazon page, go here.

To contact Steven D Stark, please email him.